42 Regiment - Carto Norge 1971 to 75 - Bev Hill

1. Bev Hill, Keith Rackham, Terry Saunders and ? ( The Carto Norge Chippendales) 2. 3. Bev Hill, Taff Hemming and Dave Mead 4. ?, George MacMillan, Taff Yeo and Bev Hill
5. Terry Saunders with the catch of the day near Narvik. 6. Bernie MacCulloch? - North of Elvergardsmoen. 7. Mick Clowes, Teery Saunders, AQir Svyr?, Keith Rackham. 8.The same team with Ed Ward.
9. Benny Bowles and ? Carto D'man - Bjerkvik            

1976 Norway, July to August 1976- Garry Asbery

11. Garry (SCouse) Asbery doing his bit for the locals at the open day

12. The football team.

Back row: ?,?,?, Brian Hibbert, Taff Smytzki, ?

Front row: Jock Stockley, REME?, Garry Asbery, Stevie Clark, ? , Teague, AAC?, Dick Nicklin

13. 19/22 Sqn and AAC Detachment in Torpo Norway July - August 1976 14. Geilo Carnival. Dick Nicklin driving with Colin Chappell and Garry ASbery on the roof
Link to pdf 17. Norway 1976 - The Hallingdal Valley